OUTCRY: Alchemists of Rage follows Whitney Bradshaw as she photographs women mid-scream in cathartic group sessions where long-silenced stories conjure rage, sorrow, and joy. An activist and sexual abuse survivor, Whitney uses art to fuel action for women’s rights, culminating in a grassroots fight for abortion access in Ohio. The film makes a visceral rallying cry for the revolutionary power of women’s voices. 

The resulting photographs- displayed in monumental museum shows as well as through ‘get out the vote’ actions across the country- present women’s rage, sorrow and joy without regard to society’s expectations. Teeth bared, eyes squeezed shut or defiantly open, they are beautiful in a profoundly unexpected and moving way. And the participants are transformed by the experience. They walk away better equipped to use their voices boldly and proactively to dismantle systems of oppression through both subtle and bold actions.

As states across the nation move to restrict reproductive choice, trans rights, and LGBTQ+ rights in a backlash of fear and repression, OUTCRY amplifies women’s voices with an unflinching belief in their power to make change. As another critical election approaches, we’ll use this film to help get out the vote for women’s rights in 2024 and to live on as an empowering portrait of feminist power and action.


OUTCRY: Alchemists of Rage is screening with festivals and organizations around the world and you can host an in-person or virtual screening for your group too! Corporate employee resource groups, Get Out The Vote efforts, non-profits, LGBTQ+ centers, educators, and community groups can screen the film and hold meaningful discussions. Get in touch to learn more.

For screening inquires please contact Frankly Speaking Films.


Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Editor – Clare Major

PRODUCERS – Rivkah Beth Medow, Jen Rainin, Clare Major, Whitney Bradshaw

FEATURING – Whitney Bradshaw